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Given the size of our catalogue we cannot guarantee to keep everything on our website in stock all year round. However, up-to-date details of availability and delivery times of every title are given on its title information page, which is accessible by clicking on the title code. Other details can be found in Help.

Latest Blog
Read our latest blog, Rediscover Frank Capra with the British Film Institute 29th October - 28th November.

Is your textbook here?
Here are some of the most popular language textbooks being used around the UK this autumn.

Set books
If you are studying at one of the colleges or universities listed here, buy your prescribed and recommended texts here and save quite a lot of money. Having the right materials is essential for academic success, especially when working on complex assignments. If you need additional support, EssayPro pay for a scientific essay can be a helpful option for getting expert guidance on your research.

Pack selections
We have made up a variety of packages of paperback literature, children's books and readers for schools and libraries, all at prices well below the sum of their parts.

Brush up your, or your children's, favourite language six times a year with an ELI magazine. Or if you're already fluent, subscribe to one of the many newspapers and magazines from all over Europe that you can find in the Periodicals section of each language.
View and download our catalogues
Clieck the link below for the latest versions of all our catalogues, brochures and booklists in PDF format.
Upcoming events
Click the link below to keep in touch with forthcoming events at our bookshops and around the country in the next few months.