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Quante storie! / Libro
Progetto italiano junior / Libro + Quaderno + CD audio (livello A1)
Progetto italiano junior 1 is the first of the 3 levels in this series. It includes a textbook, workbook and an audio-CD. The teacher's guide, online activities...
Caffè Italia / Libro dello studente + Libretto 1
Topics covered in this volume include: al bar, in classe, per strada, al ristorante, a casa, all'agienza viaggi, in albergo, in visita dai nonni, a una festa, n...
Nuovo Progetto italiano / Libro dello studente 2 + CD-Rom (Level B1-B2)
A sample chapter of this book can be viewed here: http://www.esb.co.uk/pdf/39904.pdf...
Espresso / Libro dello studente ed esercizi 1 - edizione aggiornata
In line with the recomendations of the CEFR, this updated edition of Espresso has been enriched with the following sections:'approfondimento culturale', 'autova...
Quaderni del PLIDA / Quaderni del PLIDA A1 - libro + CD
Rapidamente / Student's book
The Italian Project / Student's book + Workbook + Cd-Rom 1a
This is the first of the four levels, aimed at reaching level A1 of the CEFRL.
To view sample pages please click on the following links:
Italian Espresso / Textbook + CD 1