Our pdf catalogues
Please find below our print catalogues available for download in PDF format
French language learning resources catalogue 11+ (2010)
This catalogue contains some of our newest and most popular resources for learners of French, from early secondary to A-level and beyond. As prices are subject to change please use as reference only.
German language learning resources catalogue 11+
This catalogue contains the latest and most popular resources from our publishers for learners of German, from early secondary to A-Level and beyond. As prices are subject to change please use as a reference only.
Italian language learning resources catalogue 11+ (2010)
This catalogue contains some of our newest and most popular resources for learners of Italian, from early secondary to A-level and beyond. As prices are subject to change please use as reference only.
Portuguese language learning resources and literature
A selection of language learning resources and literature in Portuguese available at The European Bookshop and through European Schoolbooks Ltd. Use the ESB codes in the catalogues to search our website and find out more details about the titles such as latest prices and availability.
You can also download it here: http://www.esb.co.uk/pdf/980011.pdf
Primary Languages Catalogue 2010
Our latest and best catalogue of picture books, schemes-of-work, audio and visual aids, games and other classroom materials for primary language learning, in French, Spanish, Italian and German. Order a printed copy now or download a pdf version here! http://www.esb.co.uk/pdf/980005.pdf
Spanish and Portuguese literature January 2010
A selection of Spanish and Portuguese literature available at The European Bookshop.
Spanish Language learning resources catalogue 11+ (2009)
This is a short select catalogue that we had on display at The Language Show 2009. Please use as reference only as the prices may have changed and new titles have been published since. The 2010 catalogue will be available soon, if you would like to receive a copy, send us an email [email protected]